Tips & Care for
Sodded Lawns
- You may walk on the turf to move sprinklers, but try to deter as much foot traffic as possible.
- If gapping between the sod edges begins to appear, the turf is not receiving enough moisture. Lift up several pieces in different areas around your property. The soil below should be saturated.
- Pay special attention to areas around drives and walkways. These areas transfer heat from the sun and dry out much quicker.
- The first two weeks, water 3 times daily for 15-30 minutes per area as needed.
- The third and fourth weeks water once daily as needed to maintain moisture below the sod. At this point, you may need to mow the lawn. Make sure the turf is dry enough for your machine to mow. Do not cut more than 1/3rd of the blade off at this time. Make sure your blade is sharp.
- At this time you may apply fertilizer and or weed control products. Water as needed with weather conditions.